Diversity • Unity • Equality
Welcome to Asian American Unity Coalition (AAUC)
Asian American Unity Coalition (AAUC) came into existence through the historic conference held in Alaska in 2018 in which 12 unique AAPI organizations and 20 leaders representing 5 major ethnicities: Chinese, Indian, Philippines, Korean and Japanese Americans were present. The group came together to define the core values and the platform of AAUC. In 2019 the structure of AAUC is established with its Constitution and Bylaws to govern its operation. It has also obtained the 501c3 status by the end of the year. In 2020 AAUC elected its Board of Governors and its Executive committee.

Full-Scale Civic Engagement
This is a Call to Action to increase our volunteerism, philanthropy, public policy advocacy, community service, voter registration, census participation, and political engagement at local, state, and national levels.
Our Vision & Mission
- AAUC envisions a nation where AANHPI achieves economic and social success, is treated fairly with equal political representation, and is free to pursue their dreams regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality.
- AAUC’s mission is to communicate, advocate, and collaborate with AANHPI member organizations and individuals to identify our common goals and amplify our voices to address social, political, and economic barriers.
Our Values & Role
- Diversity – is our asset
- Unity – is our power
- Equality – is our goal
- Our role is to Connect, Coordinate, Collaborate, Contribute, Unite and Empower
Our Work
Podcast, Newsletter, AAPI Hub, Unity Summit
- AAUC Podcast on "Building Our Collective American Dream"
- AAUC Monthly Newsletters
- AAPI Community Hub
- AAUC Unity Summit & National Civic Leadership Forum
- Open Statement on Racism & Violence
- Open Statement on Racial Profiling
- AAUC'S Resolution in Opposition to the Florida Alien Land Laws
- AAUC'S Resolution in Supporting Tulsi Gabbard's Confirmation to ODNI
Member Organizations

![Naaunited Logo [34400]](https://www.asamunitycoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Naaunited-Logo-34400.png)

Individual Lifetime Members
Alice S Huang
Allan Fung
David Walberg
Elaine Su
Evan Chen
Harbachan Singh
Hiral Pandya
Jan Xie
Lavanya Reddy
Lucy Hansen
Marsha Golangco
Mie Mie Joe Strickler
Mihir Maghani
Munsup Seoh
Niraj Baxi
Piyush Agrawal
Rakhi Israni
Raman Velji
Romesh Japra
Sanjana Chopra
Siddarth Mahendra
Sing F. Lo
Steven Pei
Tony Nakazawa
Vamshi Reddy
Xiaoyan Zhang
Yen Marshall
AAUC invites you and your Organization to be an integral part to carry out our mission together.
Fill out the Application Form to join.